Extize Exclusive interview with Rapha Hell
By Karloz aka ExSubte

GGM> How do you remember the very first years of Extize? And what led to the formation of Extize?
GGM> How can you best describe your music?
RAPHA HELL>It’s personally call it Dirt-E-Tronic music because EXTIZE has no precise genre. I’ve industrial tracks, dark electro tracks, industrial metal tracks, synthpop tracks, EBM and techno tracks, electronic blues and country tracks… There are very very different from each other but you can always recognise that it’s from me.
GGM> While composing something, what do you think first? Please take me through the process of writing a song.
GGM> What have been the most significant changes since the beginning of Extize?
RAPHA HELL> Well, absolutely everything changed since the beginning. The entire line-up of my live musicians, the music genres, the aesthetic and outfits. Simply everything! But the biggest change is me, I started this project as « teenager » who had only parties & girls in my mind, now I’m running a serious music label and I the only times I go to a club is to support one of our bands or to DJ. The way I took with EXTIZE, all these changes, the XP points this project brought me during all these years is just unbelievable. I’m really proud to look back and I never regretted any decision.
GGM> Who are the members of Extize?
RAPHA HELL> I do all the music, artworks, lyrics, mixing, mastering and concepts completely alone but on stage I’ve a really awesome team of great people around me! There is Jan Dysfunction at the keys, DJ Barus in the mix, Mondi at the e-drums and our wonderful dancers the « Vixxxen » with us on stage!
GGM> What are the main topics for most of your Extize songs?
GGM> What would be your dream collaboration, with any Dj, producer or musician?
RAPHA HELL> There are so many musicians I would love to work with. Especially my idols when I was a teenager like Marilyn Manson, Till Lindemann, The Prodigy… But also great « newer » musicians like Little Big or Electric Callboy. I love people who don’t give a fuck and who have a huge self irony.
GGM> What is your favorite Extize album of all time?
GGM> In the last years has anything changed in Extize in terms of your song writing , lyrics or attitude in general?
RAPHA HELL>In the very beginning when I started with EXTIZE my goal was that my music is played in the clubs, so I tried to write club-hits only. Now I absolutely don’t give a fuck about that, I also don’t write with any intension of plays, live or whatever. I just do my concepts like I want and I’m happy!
GGM> And, finally, we come to the end of the interview, I would to thank you for your time. These last words are yours.
RAPHA HELL> Thank you very much for what YOU do for this scene. It’s very important to keep this scene alive, and your work is crucial. Now everybody is a DJ or a musician, I think it kills the scene because it divides people because of the selfishness of all these new « superstars » . So I’m super thankful that there are still some people like you who, who do journalistic work and who put some light on some actors of the scene. Thank you for what you do!
And about EXTIZE: the new album is 70% finished but this weekend I’m going to start our « MonStars Festivals Tour » , so if you see me live (as DJ or on stage) at Festivals like WGT, Mera Luna, Castle Party, Dark Dance Treffen, Etropolis… Please don’t be shy, come to me to say hello, I love to meet new humans (and also aliens).
Magazine Interview

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